Evander Group of Companies

The following businesses are trading as Evander Group these are:

Evander Group Holdings Limited (Registered No. CMP70210)
Evander Group Limited (CMP74980)
Amyntor Limited (Registered No. CMP54655) 
Amberisk (CI) Limited (Registered No. CMP63657) 

Registered Office: Le Marchant House, Le Marchant Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 2JJ

About Us

gold and silver desk globe

Our Story

We were borne out of the merger between Amyntor Limited a business that was operating in the insolvency and impaired structure space for the last 10 years. Together with Amberisk (CI) Limited that provides regulatory compliance for the last 7 years to Guernsey regulated businesses. 

Our Mission

To manage a specialist practice that is not focused on traditional Trust and Company business.

man in purple suit jacket using laptop computer

Our Values

Placing regulatory outcomes as the highest priority and aiming for the best outcomes. We are experienced in managing contentious issues and often unique approaches